Hey YETI, KenG6 made a temporary fix to this problem until we figure out a more permanent solution. Or maybe the temp fix will remain; I mean if it keeps working then why not, right? However, while we were doing this we've noticed you haven't created a team on some projects such as World Community G...
In theory, yes. That's how it's supposed to work. When you opt out and work you've done from that point on will not count towards BG. This also includes any work you've done BEFORE you've clicked it, but where the projects have not updated their stats.xml file and BG hasn't pulled those stats to add...
So far we are off to a good start. Just some stats from the project and the site. Seems E@H has a of work in progress since the start of the sprint. 2024-02-11 09_23_57-BOINC - Grafana.png Some charts on the activity of boincgames.com. daily_usage_202402.png You can see the traffic was starting to d...
I have noticed some people have been able to register on the site, but they only have a forum name/login and not a BOINCGames login. I have fixed this issue (I think) by disabling registration directly on the forums. To register doesn't seem to be that well implemented so I will work on making it mo...
PDW sent me this message earlier today so I am sharing it in a few places including here: Hi, WEP has been down for quite a while so I emailed James to ask about it last night, his final response said... I do actually have reserve servers all setup and ready to go - some even significantly faster th...