2023 points system question

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2023 points system question

Post by SystemViper »

Hi, seems your keying on total BG points. This makes it harder to see where your stand on the quarterly points totals.

Just thinking out loud, but wouldn't it make for better reporting to key off the current quarter totals.
Plus have a season standings which use the BG points total for entire season.

I understand it's more coding but i figured it might be something to think about or not.
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Re: 2023 points system question

Post by boincadmin »

Hey Steve,

I understand the frustration with new quarters and not knowing where you stand as easily on the current quarter when it's not Q1. I intend to have a way for the user to sort by their choice. Simply clicking on Q2 will sort by Q2, so on an so forth.

I don't have an ETA on when that will happen. I need to hire a PHP programmer to get some stuff fixed and implement some new features including the one I mentioned above. Soon as I get some money saved up for the project I will.

Currently ChelseaOilman sent me parts for a new Xeon build with much, much faster CPUs than what the server is currently using. Money I've set aside for this project have been used to buy the rest of the hardware needed to get that system up an running including a 1U server chassis, 5x SAS SSDs, more RAM and some other stuff I'm sure I'm forgetting once I start putting it together.

The datacenter bill is due next month as well, so I'll be paying for another year of hosting as well.
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Re: 2023 points system question

Post by SystemViper »

thanks for the reply
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Re: 2023 points system question

Post by bluestang »

Yes, sorting by various columns on the Marathon page for a Team would be a nice addition as mentioned.
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