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Update on BOINC Games

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 10:38 pm
by Skillz
I know it seems things have been quiet here as I don't post updates on the forums that often. So I wanted to give you guys a progress report on what's happening behind the scenes.

I have a new server setup to host BG, but I ran into many problems with getting things to work correctly. It took me a while, but I now have two people who are volunteering to help get the site fixed. One of them a team member, KenG6 who is helping with mostly the PHP problems and BOINC Synergy member freepizzas who is helping with sysadmin type stuff. Together these guys have the site almost fully functional on the new server.

The load times have also increased due to some optimizations done on the backend to help speed things up. These guys are awesome and they're doing a great job. But, it's just volunteer work where they work on it during their free time so things are moving slow. Not a complaint by any means, just informational that it'll be done when it gets done and I don't have an ETA.

I can say though, that it wont be too long before the site is running on the newer, faster server.