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Post by boincadmin »

Asteroids@home has been added as a possible Sprint project.
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Re: Asteroids@home

Post by Freewill »

It seems like Asteroids should not be a sprint candidate as it has run dry of tasks about 1/2 through the current sprint. Did Boinc Games notify Asteroids once they were selected that there would be a spike in demand for tasks? Looks like the contest is only showing who did the most task bunkering.
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Re: Asteroids@home

Post by boincadmin »

Seems you are right. The project will be removed from being Sprint eligible in the future.
Ian&Steve C.
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Re: Asteroids@home

Post by Ian&Steve C. »

I don’t think it needs to be removed. But needs to be watched. What happened now is just bad timing where the sprint started while the project was winding down on the current batch. If the sprint was 1-2 weeks earlier there would have been no problem.

Asteroids likes to load large batches, millions of tasks, weeks and weeks worth. and only replenish work when it fully runs out. Usually takes a day or two for the new batch to show up.

I don’t think this is a case where the project can’t handle the load or doesn’t produce enough work or anything, just bad timing. Just my .02.
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Re: Asteroids@home

Post by boincadmin »

Ian&Steve C. wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:25 pm I don’t think it needs to be removed. But needs to be watched. What happened now is just bad timing where the sprint started while the project was winding down on the current batch. If the sprint was 1-2 weeks earlier there would have been no problem.

Asteroids likes to load large batches, millions of tasks, weeks and weeks worth. and only replenish work when it fully runs out. Usually takes a day or two for the new batch to show up.

I don’t think this is a case where the project can’t handle the load or doesn’t produce enough work or anything, just bad timing. Just my .02.
You want to keep track of it?
Ian&Steve C.
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Re: Asteroids@home

Post by Ian&Steve C. »

Kiska already does via his dashboard

Theoretically you could put some special logic in the project selection code. If tasks ready to send are below some chosen value, then the project becomes ineligible. Otherwise if there are enough tasks, business as usual.
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Re: Asteroids@home

Post by boincadmin »

Ian&Steve C. wrote: Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:18 pm Kiska already does via his dashboard

Theoretically you could put some special logic in the project selection code. If tasks ready to send are below some chosen value, then the project becomes ineligible. Otherwise if there are enough tasks, business as usual.
I can not. I am not a programmer. I paid someone to build the site we are using right now. They did an okay job at it, but a lot of things do not work the way I want them to. Gave up on trying to get the developer I hired to get it right so I stopped using them.

Trying to find a new developer to pick up where they left off and that seems to be more difficult than just finding a developer to build something from scratch.
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