Fixing rounding issues in the code

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Fixing rounding issues in the code

Post by Skillz »

So after our new programmer started digging around to fix some of the issues here on the site we came across a problem with how they handle the stats. This problem introduces rounding issues into the stats. Now these points aren't all that significant that it adds usually 1 - 5 points (project points) into the standings. This is why some of the projects teams only have 1 - 5 points despite no one doing any work on them.

We have fixed this issue and will be issuing a fix which should remove those problems. So most teams will lose a significant portion of BG points when those projects are reset back to 0 project credits.
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Re: Fixing rounding issues in the code

Post by KenG6 »

I'm said new programmer. Also, users will get no credit for contributing less than one one-hundredth of a cobblestone (0.01) to any project in a day. Hopefully this won't be a problem. :mrgreen:
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