Adding Denis@home to BG

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Add Denis@home

Poll ended at Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:43 pm

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Adding Denis@home to BG

Post by boincadmin »

With Denis@Home's known history of going down for months at a time I'd like to know from the participants here if you'd like me to add it to the BG Marathons since it's got work.

This will only be added to the Marathons, Sprints will be excluded for this project.
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Re: Adding Denis@home to BG

Post by SystemViper »

IMHO, if a program is starting up, has a responsive manager and seems to be trying, I feel that they should be supported till it's shown they can't.
Plus they're not Ruzzian

I like Dennis but that's me...

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Re: Adding Denis@home to BG

Post by bluestang »

I've never ran Denis, but it seem that the Project Dev (Jesus is it?) tries more than most projects we I voted yes to support that effort.

(and like SV's not Russian affiliated).
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Re: Adding Denis@home to BG

Post by vaughan »

Denis seems to be running OK so I say add it to the list.
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Re: Adding Denis@home to BG

Post by Coleslaw »

As long as the project is putting out work that doesn't dry up in the matter of a week or two, then I am fine with it. It has not had long term consistent work in years. Jesus does respond well (when he is actively working on the project). However, the project historically has gone down for long periods without reply. I've ran it since its inception. Bottom line is that as long as Jesus has time to muck with it, it is a solid project. What we have never been able to do in the past is truly put it to the test when it comes to server capabilities and Jesus' ability to quickly attend to it. So, there is a lot to be seen. I'm ok with adding it only for Marathon consideration. I think an unofficial "stress test" should be conducted at some point to feel it out for anything else.
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Re: Adding Denis@home to BG

Post by Skillz »

I am going to reach out to him and see what his thoughts are on adding it before I do.

As far as I can tell their hasn't been any work since the last batch a week or so ago.
Do not send me PMs. The PM system here doesn't notify like it's supposed. Contact me through Discord (link at top) or post in the forums here. I check those regularly. At least until I figure out the PM notification problem.
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Re: Adding Denis@home to BG

Post by SystemViper »

yea i get that, thanks for the effort

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Re: Adding Denis@home to BG

Post by boincadmin »

The admin, Jesus said he is okay with it but told me he won't have consist work available for quite some time.

I'm thinking it's best to avoid it for now.

Should we start a new poll?

Not sure what the best action is at this point so I'm asking the community what do you want.
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Re: Adding Denis@home to BG

Post by bluestang »

There are other Projects here that are not consistent too, either with being up or work, and they are part of the Marathon.

Just add the damn thing!
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Re: Adding Denis@home to BG

Post by boincadmin »

Fair point.

Project has been added.